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viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2009

Labour badge: How to make it profitable

A labour badge can get ye quite some good loads of money, specially distilling, which is a difficult puzzle.

How can I make profit? Always have 3 jobs in places that have lots of work to do and 16+/hr payment. With this, u assure to get 16 x 24 = 384 per day, 384 x 31 = 11904, that will pay you for the dobloon cost.

Always get expert labour. Achieve renowed puzzling standings where you work at, and you have to play that puzzle at least 1 time per 2 weeks to keep getting good wages.

How do I make money from foraging? Actually, nowadays foraging is very difficult to make income, because the chances you get payed less than 16 are huge: e.g, getting a pinaple and being payed 5, getting rambutan and being payed 10. Avoid foraging as much as you can.

Extra tips: Distilling is the most complex puzzle and distillers get up to double/triple pays than other works, so learn distillery and get rich!!

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