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domingo, 9 de agosto de 2009

How to: MAA in a SMH

MAAing! Puzzle Pirates!

Being the MAA ( Man at Arms ) Is an important duty on a Sea Monster Hunt. See the Official document HERE.

When the horrible dragoons board the ship, its the MAA's responsability to manage them

What do dragoons do?
Dragoons board your ship, booch at stations, and plan to overtake you when enough of them are aboard.

What can the MAA do?
The MAA can start frays to defeat the boarders and preventing them to stack at the ship until they overtake it.

It is the responsability of the MAA to tell the navigator the status of the boarders in case ye all have to pull out the map to reset them.

A good MAA will ensure POEs reach the boat safely and a succesful SMH!!

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